  THE FOLLOW IS THE STEPS ON HOW  GOD TO HELP YOU Step 1: Be awake to God’s Word to yo Truth:  God’s Word has the answers Read:  “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Challenge:  Knowing Jesus means knowing what He says. The Bible has everything you need to know about life and godliness. Take some time during the day to read your Bible. The book of John is a good place to start. Start slow, read a few verses and think them over. Look for what God has to say to you, promises he makes, or things He says about himself. Step 2: Be aware of God’s Character Truth:  No matter what, God is good! Read:  “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” (Psalm 34:8). Challenge:  If God is truly good and love, then take ti...


Does God exist? If so, who and what is He? These questions are too important for blind belief or scoffing dismissal. You can know, and you can know Him![image]Since the beginning of time, in times of trouble, loneliness, worry or deep contemplation, men and women have pondered the deep questions of life. Why are we here? What does it all mean? Is all that we go through just meaningless and futile? Or is there something more—something just outside of our abilities to discern and discover?Throughout history people have contemplated the possibility of supernatural beings who hold the keys to the mysteries of life.Is there a God? Can we prove His existence? If He does exist, why did He create us? Why doesn’t He make Himself so obvious that no one could doubt Him?What is He like? Can we understand Him? Is He in some ways like us, or is He completely incomprehensible to us mere mortals?Does He care for us? Does He want to have a relationship with us? What doesHe expect from us?TheBibleclaims to be a book written for us by the great Creator God. In it are answers to all of these questions and much more. It is like an instructionbook for God’s human creation, and it tells us what we need to know to approach God and really get to know Him. The articles in this section give you a peek into that wonderful truth that gives true hope to our


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