  THE FOLLOW IS THE STEPS ON HOW  GOD TO HELP YOU Step 1: Be awake to God’s Word to yo Truth:  God’s Word has the answers Read:  “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Challenge:  Knowing Jesus means knowing what He says. The Bible has everything you need to know about life and godliness. Take some time during the day to read your Bible. The book of John is a good place to start. Start slow, read a few verses and think them over. Look for what God has to say to you, promises he makes, or things He says about himself. Step 2: Be aware of God’s Character Truth:  No matter what, God is good! Read:  “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” (Psalm 34:8). Challenge:  If God is truly good and love, then take ti...

good method in studying bible every day in you house and to understand well

 The  most of people of GOD does not know how to read the bible like bible but another people read   the bible like the story passage this is not right to us     so we are required to stud y bible buy following the good step     and simple approaches to reading and understanding God’s Word involves three simple steps:
Step 1What does the passage say? --------- in other word can say  observation
Step 2: What does the passage mean?--------- explain the passage 
Step 3: What am I going to do about what the passage says and means? ----- application
How to Study the Bible in 3 Steps
Step 1: Observation
Observation is the first and most important step in how to study the Bible. As you read the Bible text, you need to look carefully at what is said, and how it is said. Look for:

  1.       Words can have many meanings, but terms are words used in a specific way in a specific context. (For instance, the word trunk could apply to a tree, a car, or a storage box. However, when you read, “That tree has a very large trunk,” you know exactly what the word means, which makes it a term.
  2.         Structure. If you look at your Bible, you will see that the text has units called paragraphs (indented or marked ¶). A paragraph is a complete unit of thought. You can discover the content of the author’s message by noting and understanding each paragraph unit.
  3.      Emphasis. The amount of space or the number of chapters or verses devoted to a specific topic will reveal the importance of that topic (for example, note the emphasis of Romans 9 and Psalms 119).
  4.  Repetition. This is another way an author demonstrates that something is important. One reading of 1 Corinthians 13, where the author uses the word “love” nine times in only 13 verses, communicates to us that love is the focal point of these 13 verses.
  5.              Relationships between ideas. Pay close attention, for example, to certain relationships that appear in the text:

—roots-and impact: “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things” (Matthew 25:21).
Ifs and : “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

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